Tuesday, May 12, 2015

22 Weeks

Since writing my last post, we have MOVED! Goodness, I did not think I could move another time while Blake was in grad school! But we did it! And we are excited! We really love the new house we're in. It's a bit bigger than the previous house, and the layout is so much more functional. Hopefully we'll be settled in soon!

My favorite room in the new house is, of course, the girls' room. (I kept saying that phrase this weekend - "the girls". LOVE!) It will be interesting, to say the least, to have them share a room but hopefully it will work out! We have a third bedroom, but Blake needs an office so "the girls" will be stuck with each other! 

I had my 22 week check up yesterday and it went really well! Every time I see our doctor, I am more and more grateful for her. I know not everyone has had good experiences with their OBs, but I have been fortunate to find one who I feel treats me as an entire person - not just a patient to mark off the day's "to do" list. I spent more time chatting with my doctor yesterday than I did in the waiting room! That doesn't always get to happen, but it was a nice discussion about babies, taking a Sabbath, people throwing clothes on the floor, and - oh yeah - Macey! 

Heart Rate: 156

Stats: I have finally gained weight! HOORAY! Morning sickness is pretty much totally gone and my appetite is comparable to that of a teenage boy! It feels so good to be able to eat again and to not be sick!!! 

Symptoms: The second trimester is definitely the honeymoon phase for me. With Maleah and now with Macey, the 16/17 week mark was definitely a game changer. I feel good, I have a good appetite, I have more energy, and I'm definitely less grouchy (I think). But I do remember very clearly with Maleah when my morning sickness returned at 32 weeks. I am not looking forward to that happening again! 

Appetite: Great! Not having a lot of cravings or aversions - just HUNGRY! If I had to name the one thing I have loved to eat during this pregnancy, it would definitely be Mexican food. Tacos, chips & salsa, rice & beans, burritos... yum, yummy, yummier! I am also drinking milk like a hoss... seriously can't get enough of it. 

Movement: During the past week, Macey started to get her hands and feet going at the same time! I always think that's so cute! I also felt her roll around a few days ago - I was laying in bed and she was moving around like crazy and then I felt this weird rolling sensation! I had forgotten how fun it was to try to figure out what in the world babies do in the womb when they move around like that!

Sleeping: Eh. Some nights are better than others. :) 

Looking Forward To: Gettin' in the swimming pool!!! I am not, however, looking forward to finding a maternity swimsuit! But goodness the pool sounds like such a great idea right now!

Loving: All this energy I have! I am trying really hard to spend a lot of time with Maleah right now while I have the energy to play! And I am loving being outside. Our new house has a deck and I have lots of plans to spend lots of evenings out there!!!