Last week was a little strange, since Blake started a new part-time job and we were going out of town. This week will also be a little strange since I truly do not feel like doing a lot of cooking this week! I want to work on getting our house back in order, so all of my recipes this week are coming from short-cuts!
Monday: Lasagna, garlic bread, sweet peas
Short-cut: The lasagna is one I made a few weeks ago to freeze. Just let it thaw in the fridge all day, then bake for 20-30 minutes (or until cooked through) at around 350F.
Tuesday: White BBQ chicken, rice, bacon & brown sugar green beans, sweet potato tots Short-cut: The chicken was previously cooked, shredded, & frozen! All I have to do is thaw & heat it!
Thursday: Black beans & rice
Short-cut: The black beans were previously cooked and frozen... noticing a trend here!? And the rice is leftover from Tuesday.
Friday: Parents' Night Out at the church (No cooking required!)
Saturday/Sunday: I don't know.
Haha! I really don't know what I want to cook this weekend. I am not sure what time Alabama plays, so what I make will largely depend on that!
Truly, freezer cooking is a lifesaver! Even though I had to do a little extra work a few weeks ago to get it all ready, it means that this week, I can take it easy and focus on my house...
Speaking of my house...
One of my absolute favorite blogs is IHeart Organizing. There are some fantastic ideas and resources and pretty, pretty pictures on that there blog!
There are a ton of free printables available not only to help you streamline your life, but also to just generally make you happy because they're so darn cute! I loved her "Peek at the Week" printable, but it just didn't fit exactly what I needed it for. So... I created my own. I totally stole some of her intellectual property, but she doesn't offer customization so I took it upon myself to do what I needed.
So, I created these! You can click on the image and it will take you to my Google Drive where you can download the PDFs for yourself! They were made in Publisher - it's very, very simple to use if you want to "tweak" them a little bit to suit your needs.
I created this PDF for home. In the squares, I can can write our daily menu as well as any important events. The problem is... you have to write small! That's very hard for me to do. But I'm learning that getting everything important onto one page usually requires small handwriting!
As far as "To Do's" - there are just some big things that need to get accomplished each week, but it varies by week. Maybe this week my big "to-do" (on top of everything else I am doing!) is to pull out all of Maleah's clothes and store them in Space Bags. Or maybe my big "to-do" this week is to make some more chocolate chip pumpkin muffins. I'll let you know which one I choose. :)
I am also a "daily cleaner"... or... at least I profess to be! I've let some of my cleaning slip lately, but I'm hoping to jump back on board this week. I have a routine of what I clean each night so I write that down each week in the "To Clean" box to help me stay on track.
The "Thoughts" box is... well... for thoughts! A Scripture, a quote, a memory... just something "happy" for your week.
This one is a little more suited to work (although I have this design in the home version as well). I halved the daily boxes just for my own visual space issue (aka big handwriting). I can put the things I know in advance up top and then little things that pop up below. This keeps me from writing way too big and running out of space for each day. That last box is flexible - I use it to write down things coming up in the next week.
The rest is self-explanatory!
I hope you have a great week! Happy Cooking!